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Strengthening the Social Distancing announcement(사회적 거리두기 강화)
Writer : admin Date : 2021.12.23

Strengthening the Social Distancing

'21.12.18. (Sat)~'22.1.2. (Sun)

Regulations on private gatherings (up to 4 people nationwide)

Operating hours limit (21:00 and 22:00),



Strengthen distancing in some other areas of daily life.



Main Point

Reducing the number of people in private gatherings: Up to 4 people nationwide.

- Non-vaccinated persons cannot be with the persons who is fully vaccinated (can only be used for one person)

- However, the existing limit of exceptions continue to exist for families living together and care (children, elderly, disabled, etc.)

Operating hours are limited until 21:00 (Group 1**, Group 2**)

*Group 1: Entertainment Facilities,

**Group 2: Restaurants, Cafes, Karaoke bar, Bathhouses Business, Indoor Sports Facilities, etc.

- Group 3*** and some other facilities are limited to 22:00.

*** Academy, Movie Theater, Performance Hall, Internet cafe, Reading Room, etc., and some other facilities (Horse Racetrack, Kids Cafe, Massage Center, etc.)

Events and Rallies : strengthening of quarantine rules for large-scale events and rallies.

- Up to 49 people, vaccinated or unvaccinated is possible without distinction.

- In case of more than 50 people, up to 299 people is possible those who is fully vaccinated, etc.

Some Other Areas of Daily Life

- Strengthening social distancing in everyday areas such as schools, workplaces, and public institutions

School : Adjust the density to 2/3 level.
Flexible adjustment by region and school in consideration of regional infection status, etc.
Elementary school density is 5/6, middle and high school density is 2/3 (applied from 12/20)

Workplace: Reduce the density in workplaces by activating Work-from-home and actively used the different time to go in work and off in work


Public Institutions: Postpone the face-to-face event, or strictly observe the public service discipline in accordance in the strengthening of the social distancing such as refraining the gatherings and dinners.


사회적인 거리두기가 강화됩니다. (21.12.18.(토) ~22.1.2.(일))

사적 모임 규제 (전국 4인까지),

운영시간 제한(21시, 22시 제한), 일상영역 거리두기 강화



□ 주요사항

사적모임 인원 축소 : 전국 4인까지 가능

- 미접종자는 접종완료자 등과 동반이용 불가 (1인 단독 이용만 가능)

- , 동거가족, 돌봄(아동노인장애인) 기존의 예외범위는 계속

운영시간 21시까지 제한 (1그룹*, 2그룹**)

*1그룹 : 유흥시설

**2그룹 : 식당, 카페, 노래연습장, 목욕장업, 실내체육시설 등

- 3그룹***과 기타 일부시설은22시까지로 제한

*** 학원, 영화관, 공연장, PC, 독서실 등, 기타 일부 시설(경마장, 키즈카페,
안마소 등)

행사·집회 : 대규모 행사·집회의 방역수칙 강화

- 49명까지 접종자, 미접종자 구분 없이 가능

- 50명 이상인경우 접종완료자 등으로 구성하여 299명까지 가능

기타 일상영역

- 학교, 사업장, 공공기관 등 일상 영역 거리두기 강화

• 학교 : 밀집도를 2/3 수준으로 조정
지역별 감염상황 등을 고려하여 지역별, 학교별 탄력적인 조정 가능(초등학교 밀집도 5/6. 고등학교 밀집도 2/3, 12/20부터 적용)

• 사업장 : 재택근무 활성화, 시차 출퇴근제 적극활용 등 사업장 내 밀집도완화

• 공공기관 : 대면행사 연기 또는 취소 거리두기 강황에 따라 모임, 회식 자제 등 공직기강 철저하게 준수 


※ Please refer to the attached file as there are information documents for each language.





File : 1217_사회적거리두기가 강화됩니다_한국어.docx
File : 1217_사회적거리두기가 강화됩니다_영어.pdf
