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Register the Class for 2021-1 Semester(Applicable to all students, freshmen, and returning students)
Writer : admin Date : 2021.02.04

We are informing you of the 2021-1 semester Class Application schedule for students, fresh students, and returning students, so please make sure to consult with your advisor to apply for the course so that no problems with graduation.


1. Schedule for Class Application




Apply Classes(Online)

To All students

(enrolled, fresh,

returned students)

Feb 5th(Fri) 13:00~9th(Tue) 17:00

Announcement of

Closed Class

Feb 26th(Fri) 11:00

Modify Classes Application

March 2nd(Tue) 10:00~8th(Mon) 17:00

Waiver of Class

March 24th(Wed) 10:00~26th(Fri) 17:00


2. Class Registration Method

 - Log-in to the “” Academic Information(학사정보)Class Registration Service(수강신청서비스) Class Registration(수강신청)Search the subject and check your department, graduate school, major Check the subject that you need to apply.

Choose your department _ “General Graduate School_Major”


원본 그림의 이름: 20210204_103842.png

원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1106pixel, 세로 757pixel


If you want to find the subject “Research Ethics and Writing the thesis(연구윤리 및 논문작성법)”,


원본 그림의 이름: CLP00005a9c09c7.bmp

원본 그림의 크기: 가로 852pixel, 세로 424pixel  

If you want to find the subject “Korean Language Classes”


원본 그림의 이름: CLP00005a9c0001.bmp

원본 그림의 크기: 가로 836pixel, 세로 440pixel

Please keep the “Blank” on the Name of Lecture, If there is any text on it, you can’t find any subjects

Ph.D. students must graduate with Thesis

According to your scholarship, you need to check yourself to the department, professor, and the Sun Moon Graduate Office to Check your Obligations for graduate.


 * Website which can apply the classes directly: “”

 * When the advisor typing the class conduct contents(Lecture Plan) during the course/class application period, you can check the class conduct contents(Lecture Plan) on the course application screen, so please check the Lecture Plan before the course application correction period.

 * For the Fresh students, must join the Portal site first.

 - You can check your student ID number from Sunmoon Graduate School website(Korean version)Notification


 You can apply for classes within 9 credits per semester.(Except_ Resarch Thesis(논문연구), Field Exercise(현장실습), Initiative Subject(선수과목), Korean Language)


 Ph.D. course students only can apply subject for Ph.D. and Master course students can be take the Ph.D. and Master subjects both under the guidance of an advisor.Integrated course students(Master-Ph.D.) also can be apply for the class(subject) Master and Ph.D. both.


Students Who must submit the Thesis to graduate(Who is took full time scholarship/research

     scholarship/PhD/Integrated etc.)

    Must take subject “Research Ethics and Writing the Thesis(연구윤리 및 논문작성법), and also have to take thesis

    research classes(논문연구) that are provided by each course and complete twice(4~6 credits) by graduation

    (For the Integrated students must take 4 times/12 credits)

   - The Ph.D. course students can be accept maximum 4 times/12 credits of Thesis Research(depending on the

     deparment/different from department) but It will be charge the fee when take the class over twice.

   - Those who graduate from class track(not writing the thesis, only take class) cannot be recognized Thesis Research

     (논문연구) subject as graduation credits.


 For the international students who have TOPIK under the level 4(English Track students and TOPIK 3), they can take

     Korean Language I,II.

     (Students who have up to TOPIK level 3, can take Korean Language III, and It can duplicate credit recognition)

     International Students who enter on Korean Track Must submit Up to TOPIK level 4 before their graduation.


 If you wish to take a course in another department(major)/graduate classes, you must complete [an application for a

     course in another graduate school (major)“타 대학원(학과) 교과목 수강신청서] and submit it to the graduate school

     office(Main Building 409B.

 * MUST KEEP THE PERIOD STRICTLY class application period or modification period


 You can audit/take courses that you want to audit the class after submit an application to the graduate school office

     in writing. However, depending on the size of the classroom, if there are many applications, you may not be able to

     attend. If you want to complete the course on your transcript, you must pay the amount equivalent to the seasonal 

     semester expenses separately.


 If students who is graduate of a special graduate school or professionalized special graduate school do not pass the

     compulsory examination during admission to a Ph.D. program, he or she must complete nine additional master's

     courses subject credits within three semesters of admission. the initiative subject are not included in graduation



 Students who have entered a master's degree in a general graduate school with a different major from B.A. or a

     entered a Ph.D. degree with a different major from Master can complete a initiative course according to the internal

     regulations of the department and major professor. The initiative subject are not included in graduation credits.


  Students with accelerated degree(B.A.+Master) course can enter the master's course only if they complete 6 credits of

     graduate classes while attending the undergraduate course. Accelerated degree students must complete a graduate

     classes(6 credits) before graduating from undergraduate school. The required six credits during undergraduate studies are

     recognized only as graduation credits for undergraduate studies. Only credits that exceed the required 6 credits can be

     recognized as graduation credits. Graduation standard credits in the academic and and master's association course can be

     graduated if you complete more than 24 credits, excluding 6 credits you received from undergraduate students.


 All-day scholarship students who entered before the 2019 school year must have completed at least three major

     courses in the previous semester and an average grade of 4.0 or higher in the previous semester to process

     scholarships, so please be careful when you apply for classes.

  Until the 2019 academic year, Accelerated Degree scholarship students must have completed at least three major courses in the

     previous semester and an average of 4.0 or higher in the previous semester to process scholarships, so please be careful when

     applying for classes.


 Information on the 'Social Science Research Methodology(사회과학 연구방법론)' subject in the Graduate School: 

     Research methodology theory and thesis writing-oriented classes / Major selectcredits 3 credits / Restriction of 6



3. Re-Taking Class

You can retake the course once only for subjects with F grades, and when you retake the course, only high grades are recognized and reflected in the grade average compared to the previous grades, and the lower grades are marked with R (Retake) on the report.


4. Waiver of Class

You can give up on the course, which you applied the class in the 2021-1 semester during the application period but if you give up on the course, mark W on the transcript  

- Log-in to the “ Information(학사정보) Class Registration Service(수강신청서비스) Waiver of Class(수강과목 포기 신청) Sign from Professor(Subject, Head Professor) Need to Submit the Application Form during the period

 * Website which can apply the classes/waive the classe directly: “”


5. Precautions for Course Application : Website ( and Please be sure to consult with Professor and your department


6. Graduation Criteria Credit by Degree

 A. General Graduate School(Track of Graduate for the Thesis)











At least 4 semesters


At least 6 semesters


At least 4 semesters


30 credits or more in total

(Include Required/Must Credits)


42 credits or more in total


36 credits or more in total



Average GPA of 3.0 or higher after completing all credits;

· Thesis Research Subjects 6 credits(/박사논문연구)

· Take a class Research Ethics and Writing the Thesis

 (연구윤리 및 논문작성법)



TOPIK Level 4 or higher must be submitted upon graduation(GKS students, TOPIK level 3 or higher)Except English Track

 If students are not graduate for thesis, only for the credits, the class and credits related to the thesis is not acceptable for the graduation credits.


 - 3 credits are recognized for students participating in the research project (application is mandatory)

 - Graduation credits not accepted for the initiative subjects


- When a students who applied graduate for the class(Only for the Master) take a thesis research Class. Graduation credits are not recognized






File : Modify Classes Application(수강정정신청서).hwp
File : Application for a course in another graduate school(Major) (타 대학원(학과) 교과목 수강신청서).hwp
File : Class Audit Application(청강신청서).hwp
